Trees, Heaps, Graphs



  • Depth of a node – number of ancestors (exclude itself) / number of edge to the root

  • Height of a tree – maximum depth of any node

  • Traversal

    • Preorder: a node is visited before its descendants

    • Postorder: a node is visited after its descendants

 function Node(val, children) {
    this.val = val;
    this.children = children;

Binary Tree

  • Each internal node has at most two children

  • Children of a node are an ordered pair

  • Proper Binary Tree

    • if each node has 0 or 2 children

  • Traversal

    • Inorder: left -> root -> right

    • Preorder: root -> left -> right

    • Postorder: left -> right -> root

 function TreeNode(val) {
     this.val = val;
     this.left = this.right = null;

Binary Search Tree

  • Left < Root < Right

  • Search: cut sub-tree in half, determine which half the key would be in

  • Insertion: expand an internal node / update value

  • Deletion: replace with its left right-most node value, delete left right-most node

  • Performance

    • Find, insert, remove – O(n) worst case (all node in one side)

    • Find, insert, remove – O(log n) best case (balanced tree)

AVL Tree

  • First balanced binary search tree

  • Heights of siblings can differ by at most 1

  • Minimize single look up time, not exceed O(log n)

  • Useful in multithreaded environments

Splay Tree

  • Self-balancing BST

  • 3 Types of Splay Steps

    • Zig-Zig

    • Zig-Zag

    • Zig

  • Preferred for lots search, less insertion and deletion (cause rotations)

  • Minimize total lookup time.

  • Easier to implement, compare to AVL tree.

Red Black Tree

  • Self-balancing BST

    • Each node has colour either red or black

    • No two adjacent red nodes

    • Every path from a node to any its descendant Null node has same number of black nodes

  • Preferred for lots insertions and deletions


  • Binary tree with additional rules

  • Complete binary tree – last node of the heap is the rightmost node of depth h

  • Build Heap: Botton up heap construction – O(n)

  • Insertion: upheap – O(log n)

  • Deletion: downheap – O(log n)

Max Heap

  • Parent node values are greater than their children

Min Heap / Priority Queue

  • Parent node values are less than their children


  • Traversing down through one branch to the leaf, then back to "trunk".

  • Use Stack – O(n)

  • Search through a tree one level at a time

  • Use Queue – O(n)

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